My mom's new childproofing effort

Putting playmats on the walls over outlets in use.
And btw, it actually does work, for now :). Connor plays with the mat and has stopped pulling out all our plugs! :)
Good morning!
So, Connor's surgery. As I have mentioned before, Connor had a hydrocele, which means one of his testicles was still in a bag of fluid that should have dissolved before he was born. This is somewhat common, but usually it resolves by the first birthday. If it doesn't, it means that the fluid is being fed by the abdominal cavity and it needs to be sealed off (which is what happened in Connor's case). It sounds scary but actually it is a pretty routine surgery.
So, Connor had this procedure done last Friday. It was a LONG day. First, we had to get up at 6am for his last nursing before the surgery (at 1pm). Then the joys of not feeding a child for 7 hours.... heh. After 9am, no fluids or food at ALL, not even clear fluids (which he could have from 6am to 9am). We got to the hospital at 11 am and it was hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait. Connor did okay, he was a bit cranky at this point but he did okay. I went back with him to talk to the doctors and nurses, they wouldn't let me stay with him until he was asleep, they took him down the hall to put him to sleep and I cried a lot. Then we waited for an hour to find out how it all went -- the hospital had wireless internet so I wasted some time that way, it helped to pass the minutes. Then they called us back as he was waking up.
He was really groggy and woke up a little and then slept in my arms for about an hour. Then he woke up and nursed for about half an hour and then they let us go home. He was very groggy all that night and slept a *lot*. He only threw up once, right as we got home all over the carseat. He did perk up after sleeping about 2 hours at home and wandered around the house for a while. Then he went to sleep for the night at 930pm, unheard of here! Heh.
He is doing great now. :) He still has the stitches but otherwise he seems just about normal.
And he got his 5th tooth on Sunday. :)
Jaimie :)
Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you all.
It's good to hear he's doing well.
Ana Melissa
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