Yay Mickey Mouse! This shirt was only 5 cents at a yard sale. :) It made my week. Connor's too!
Funnily enough, Connor can almost spell Mickey Mouse. He can sing this little song M-i-c-k-e-y M-o-u-s-e but he doesn't always get all the letters right ;).
We went to a picnic at the zoo today for zoo members, at which I had to forcibly remove Connor from several bouncy houses when his turn was up. Pictures in the future if any of them come out not blurry.
Jaimie :)
Congrats on the pregnancy! I wasnt sure if you would see this on the FF board so I thought I would come here instead. You look great. I love the name you have picked out. (either way..LOL) I hope to see more of you! Congrats Again-
-Valerie (ibvalerie30 july 04 PG)
Thanks! Nice to see you too! :)
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