
Connor and Taz hanging out in Connor's tent.
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This week was the cats annual vet visit for a checkup and vaccinations. Boo is still fat. Taz is not. They weigh about the same though ;).
I learned something at the vet that made me happy. I have been putting off turning Connor's carseat to forward facing and agonizing over it. I wanted him to stay rear-facing as long as possible. The reality is though, his carseat will not fit rear-facing once his sister's infant seat is installed (which needs to happen... soon ;) ).
I learned at the vet (thanks to Connor's love of standing on the dog scale) that Connor now weighs about 32 lbs. That is fully clothed, but one is clothed in a car seat ;). Since his seat only accomodates rear-facing children to 33 lbs... ta da! I can now turn the seat with no guilt. He's outgrowing rear-facing all on his own. :)
Chloe's seat rear faces though of course ;). The infant seat fits just fine that way no matter where you put it.
So tomorrow Connor's seat will be turned to forward-facing. A whole new era!
(He is growing all over.... he is now in 3T pants and shirts and wears a size 9XW shoe and size 10 snow boot. Yikes!)
Jaimie :)
Yay for a new adventure! Connor will love facing forward.
Yay new blog!!! :kiss:
Connor is too cute!
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