Yes my child sleeps in a swing. Live with it. :)

Hello :).
So yes, Connor still sleeps in his swing. For naps at least. In fact, he is napping in it right now.
We don't know why he likes to sleep in the swing, still. We know most children have outgrown this phase of life already. We have tried other places of napping but they mostly involve screaming so we back off. But he is fast approaching the weight limit of the swing so, we are trying a new tactic.
Operation crib. And since mommies can't climb into cribs for cuddling....
We have started to give him this bear every time he naps. And at bed at night, but that is another story altogether. He chose this bear as his friend from many many candidates. The hope is, that eventually just the presence of the bear will make him feel secure and mellow and conducive to sleeping.
Because that's what the swing is about, right? Mellow security? Or maybe he knows the chicks dig a boy in a good swing, and then the war is lost before it has even begun. ;)
So far the score is Connor two, Mommy zero, but really who is counting? ;)
Jaimie :)

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