Taekwondo camp with Connor

Connor had a lot of fun at taekwondo Summer Survival Camp. He recieved an award at the end for being the most Spirited Camper. The first picture is Connor exploring the rebreakable boards for the board breaking clinic, then Connor and Daddy taking a walk, then Mommy containing Connor so he would stop petting the dogs while they were eating dinner, and then Daddy and Connor sleeping in Sunday morning.
Other than having trouble getting Connor to go to sleep, he did really well, had lots of new things to eat (like grilled cheese over a campfire, and anyone else ever heard of a Pudgie Pie? We hadn't but now Connor is a true Indiana boy and had a blueberry one), and everyone thought he did a great job with us.
Go Connor you super camper you! :)
Jaimie :)
Yay Connor for doing so well camping!!! He looks so grown up! What a cutie :)
Hugs from Em and Drew
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