Connor funny face

Another Chicago picture taken by Eric Soroos (
Rockstar:INXS elimination show last night. I think it was the right choice all around. Suzie was eliminated, and I think she did the worst job on the performance show (listening to "Interstate Love Song" on my computer without watching the performance, it is painfully obvious how many times she messed up coming in at the right time) and with her elimination song too.
Suzie did a decent job with "Suicide Blonde". JD did a *great* job with "By My Side", I still can't really stand to watch him on stage but listening to it on my computer, it's one of my favorite performances ever. And for me to like a JD performance... crazy. MiG did a very good job with "What You Need", but that was *such* a MiGgy song. Bouncy, high energy... and um, the ripping of the shirt was rather silly. I would have rather seen him do something like "Need You Tonight".. I know he can rock, I know he can be high energy... can he smolder? That's my question.
I didn't get to put the JD curse pic up but I definately will for next week. Marty was safe and he got the most viewer votes plus the encore vote for his original, "Trees". JD opened the encore with an acoustic version of "Pretty Vegas" by studio audience choice. At least tonight he got all the words right, unlike the night before... (hee hee).
Go Marty! I'm asking for some Lovehammers CDs for Christmas :).
Jaimie :)
Hi Strangers!!
I come here for my Connor/Jamie fix and what is the topic but Rock Star Stuff!?! LOL!!!
Just wanted to drop in a say HI, Em and I miss you you 2! Hope all is well!
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