Rockstar: INXS

Connor on the boat in Chicago. Picture taken by Eric Soroos (
Don't worry, next week is the last week and then no more random blog entries devoted to it. I know you come here for Connor and then you are disappointed... sorry!
I will add another Connor pic to this post tomorrow. I took one of him watching JD on TV to curse JD with, but it is still on my camera. The curse is on! Heh. :)
Okay, skip the rest unless you care about Rockstar: INXS.
They all did two songs tonight. Oh and information for anyone who cares about the popularity of the originals they performed last week, "Trees" (Marty's original) outsold "Pretty Vegas" (JD's original) on MSN Music last week. The other originals lag far behind those two.
Suzie: Bleh. She messed up the first song, and she lost her voice at the end of the second. If you cannot sing two songs in a row dear, you cannot headline a tour.
JD: Matthew looked at me during this and said "Am I going to have to vote for... JD?". I feel bad cursing him tonight, since really it was his best night yet. But he still bugs, in a serious way. But he was pretty good. I enjoy his original song "Pretty Vegas", and I liked him doing "Money".
Marty: I like non acoustic Trees better. But I liked him and Dave Navarro just sittin' on stage groovin'. Now: here is the deal. From the very first week when Marty did "Take Me Out", I *feel* what he wants me to feel. I feel pain, laughter, anguish, joy, whatever it is... Marty makes me feel it. That is why he is my favorite favorite. And "Creep" was no exception. I felt it. I felt his pain. I cried with him at the end when he is broken and sad. When he sang at the very end "And I don't belong here..." I wanted to hug him. Matthew called it the performance of the show (not the night... the entire show). I am going to be a Marty fan for a long time to come.
That being said, I think JD should front INXS.... except um.... I don't like when he does INXS. HAH. :) Marty needs to go somewhere he can rock out and INXS doesn't try to mold him into an evil box.
Okay, MiG: MiG MiG MiG. Okay um... I did not feel "Paint it Black"... at all. It was pretty. IT SHOULD NOT BE PRETTY. It is a dark dark song. MiG made it sweet. Maybe he was painting it blue or pink. It was nice.... heh. And oh um, I really dislike all the Seal songs I have ever heard, including "Kiss From A Rose". What that has to do with INXS I have no idea. MiG did a very nice "Kiss From a Rose". For what it is. He can go audition for "Rock"star: Seal. :)
I heart you MiG! You can prance about shirtless anytime, you seriously work out.
I leave you with a comment from my mother. My mother only watched this show once (she works too early in the morning now to stay up for it). She watched the week Marty did "Wish You Were Here". She loved it. And she said "But can he rock though?"
Enough said. If Marty can sell my mother on a ballad like he wouldn't be able to really rock -- and he gets too much "You're too modern rock" crap.... Marty rules.
(I showed her videos of earlier weeks to show her he can rock ;) ).
Jaimie :)
PS: I still miss Ty. His voice made my heart smile. But I heart Marty's presence. :)
Little Connor is so handsome looking into the distance.
Hi Jaimie! We miss you! Guess what? Jason and I are moving out west now, not to Florida! Maybe Seattle, Portland, California...wooo hooo!
Em & Drew
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