
Yay for feets!
Well, yesterday I put my ode to Ty Taylor up and then he got eliminated from the competition last night. So, next week I am taking a picture of Connor watching JD (if I can get Connor to look at the screen when JD is on....) and putting that up. We'll see if I can work my magic again, on purpose this time :).
Hee hee.
I still heart me some Ty. I am going to get a Dakota Moon CD for Christmas. And, honestly, I think what he said last night was true on some levels. But more about the mohawk, even if he didn't realize it ;). Several people I talk to about the show have said "how can some guy with a mohawk front INXS?" and said they'd never vote for him. But I doubt these people vote anyway.
Jaimie :)
PS after several viewings on my computer it seems Connor enjoyed Suzie and MiG the best from the performance show. Apparently he still loves him some MiG. :)
Well, if we go by Connor's overall attention to people, JD or Jordis are next to go. Only one song the whole series has he paid attention to Jordis, and I can't ever recall him watching JD.
Ty was a little whiny afterwards, but IMHO partly it was justified. In previous weeks some people have had seriously BAD performances (and not just in my opinion, INXS has called them out on them) and yet they escaped the bottom three. But, at the same time, the public is fickle. :) I hope Ty gets a band and puts out his own album :).
And I firmly believe the mohawk was not doing him any favors. ;)
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