A 27 week weird pic

Why I decided to take a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror I shall never know :). I am almost 30 weeks now, this is from a few weeks ago.
As this baby gets ready (not for a little while yet but October creeps closer every second) to exit me and enter the world, I realize how much my first baby is growing up. He's not really a baby anymore. I mean, to me, his mom, Connor will always be my baby. But he's becoming such a little boy. He starts a one day a week "Parents Day Out" pre-pre-preschool type program in 2 weeks, and he just *loves* to wear his backpack around the apartment and is so excited about going to "school". I'm not sure he'll be as excited once he realizes mommy doesn't stay the entire 3 hours... heh.
I've started nesting. I keep organizing and reorganizing things. And all the little clothes Connor once fit into make me feel all teary. Heh.
Jaimie :)
yay baby belly! And my how time flies!!
I hope Connor enjoys school! What a big boy he is!
H6552ow3 f.un for Connor to get to go to school! I hope he has fun
And wh3at a 6cute2 bab1y 0belly1 you 4have.
SKyler's trying to secretly communicate with Connor as I type, I guess. :)
I love that big baby belly!!
Sniff, sniff on the first baby growing up part. I can so relate.
And I get all teary already about the stuff Curran is too big for...
Love the belly!! It has taken me too long to catch up on your blog, last time you just found out you were pregnant! I LOVE Chloe's name, I hope your Chloe is as sweet as mine, who is currently giving me kisses for no particular reason! Can't wait to meet your little one!!!
I thought I posted a comment to this.
I love your belly!! I can't believe how close you are getting!
You look great. I hope Connor likes school!
Yay to a big preggo belly! and to pre-pre-school for Connor!
Hope things are well for you and your family.
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