I've Seen the Light

Connor tipping his table to move the reflection on the wall.
I love when I make food and it just tastes perfect. It is nice that now I have time (mostly) to actually taste my food and savor every bite. Working on Connor's scrapbook (we are up to... August 8th ;) ) reminds me of way back when he was very small, and I would shovel food down as fast as I could because he might wake up at any moment and need to eat.
Ah, the good old days.
I do miss the newness and the littleness sometimes, but I also enjoy every new day and new adventure that Connor's growing up brings.
One week til the big One.
Jaimie :)

I can't belive he's going to be one. Holy cow!
And I, too, remember the shoveling.
Must. Eat. NOW! QUICK!
Wait, what did I just eat? A sandwich? The cat? Who knows.
I did not like cold scrambled eggs. I heart scrambled eggs but I don't think I have eaten any since I ate them cold after being interrupted.
Hugs to Alena!
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