So it has been a while....

Connor off to his first day of school.
Sorry I've gotten so behind on blogging, I shall try to do better!
Today was Connor's first day of preschool. He only goes one day a week for three hours. He transitioned really really well, til he saw mommy peeking in the classroom door at him.... oops. No one has called yet to tell me he's hysterical so I think he's having fun ;).
Two more hours til I go pick him up....
Jaimie :)
Awww, what a cute big boy!!! And with his backpack...awwww.
So great to see some new Connor pix!
He is such a big boy!!
I hope he liked his first day!
yay for new pics!
Awwww!! What a big boy! :sniff:
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