Hmm... what should I rearrange first? ;)

Hello :)
We just got back from going out for wings with the taekwondo friends, a Friday night tradition. Not that we have wings... but other people do! Some "big" milestones for us:
1. Today Connor drank breastmilk out of a straw cup for Matthew and was enthused. Yay! I think we are saying bye bye to bottles for good now, if it goes well next week while I am out at taekwondo.
2. We ordered Connor his very first restaurant meal of his own. Mac n cheese with buffalo chips (like french fries but cut chip shaped). He actually for him ate a good deal of it (about 10-12 pieces of mac n cheese and 3-4 buffalo chips). Mommy ate the rest :). Mmm mm. It was the only vegetarian thing on the kids menu but he has had cheese before so all's good. He really liked it! He also for some reason tonight really liked Crispix.... he would pick those out of his assorted cereal in front of him and eat them all first. Must put more Crispix in the diaper bag.
Jaimie :)

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