I'm ready for my interview

I'll be with you in just a moment.
So today I had the crazy idea to take Connor and have his picture taken at Walmart. Just because I thought he looked cute. So I did. And the pictures came out well I think, even though the camera scared him a bit and he wasn't very cheery. I have a disk that they are on but my computer has no floppy drive so I need to wait til Matthew gets home and downloads them on his computer. :)
Yay for pictures! I take enough pictures for a small army though.
Speaking of pictures, be sure to click on the profile picture in the corner and admire the artwork that my friend Sheri made of Connor's window picture :). She rules! Thanks Sheri! :)
I smell an unpleasant odor wafting over from Connor. Must. Investigate. ;)
Jaimie :)

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