I love me some Ty Taylor

This is actually from last week's Rockstar:INXS but it is appropriate.
So my new TV related obsession is Rockstar:INXS. INXS is using a reality show to choose a new lead singer. Cheesy concept, I agree. But the music is just *so* good. I get sucked in time after time.
Connor has his favorites. They are MiG and Marty, although he likes all of them once in a while. In this picture he is taking a break from his new habit of knocking things over and climbing them to watch Ty perform.
Tonight was the concert show with the final 6 performers (started with 15). I have downloaded all the performances and am relistening to each one as I relay my thoughts. It is funny that actually, not watching makes the opinion a little different...We will right away get to why this post is titled as it is:
Ty (performed You Can't Always Get What You Want): Oh I love me some Ty. The scary mohawk really does have to go, but his voice... its like butter. Melts in all the right places. This song was just sooooo good. And PS to CBS - get rid of the choir, they sucked.
JD (performed Suspicious Minds): Okay, I admit it, I am not a huge Elvis fan, so that is part of my problem. I just.... I just didn't like it. But JD always gets on my nerves so there is that. It wasn't bad, just not great. And way too much hopping.
Marty (performed Wish You Were Here): Oh... Marty. He's usually so punk screamy and this was so... haunting. It touched my soul. I got a little sniffly. This is one of my very favorite songs and it was wonderful.
Jordis (performed Imagine): Again... one of my very very favorite songs. And... it was just blah for me. I thought it was okay but it just wasn't moving me. Almost... off kilter somehow, I don't know. This actually is a LOT better when I don't watch it and just listen.
MiG (performed Live and Let Die): Um... no. It was okay but MiG, I don't know, was too... something that I couldn't get into. Which is funny to me cause usually I am all about MiG. I will show all the videos to Connor on the computer today and see what he thinks, he is usually all about the MiG. The long note he held at the end was awesome though :).
Suzie (Bohemian Rhapsody): The House Band rocked. She was okay. INXS thought it was like the second coming or something but only the end really captured me. But, if only one part captures one, I guess it should be the end.... :). This actually is worse when I don't watch and just listen.
This week there was a choir as special guest... they sucked I vote them off.
Must go to sleep now, I spent the past hour voting. :) I voted Ty Marty Ty Marty all the way :).
Jaimie :)