Friday, September 29, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Waking up with a smile

Some days. Other days like this morning it is more a groan. :)
It seems I only get a chance to update this while Connor is at school on Wednesdays. I will try to get to it more often but no promises! Heh. In the next few weeks we will be switching to our new blog ( ) so be on the lookout for that!
Jaimie :)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Connor's first power outage

It doesn't look like it in the pictures because of the camera flash, but this is Connor during our first power outage since he's been aware enough to care. He had a lot of fun with the flashlight. :)
Yesterday was Connor's first swim lesson of his second cycle of lessons. Although he blows bubbles in the tub all the time, he refused to at lessons and just drank pool water. Heh. He did dunk his whole head underwater several times though and enjoyed his lesson very much.
Today is Connor's second day of pre-preschool. The transition didn't go quite as smoothly. There was a little boy there before us that was really upset today at leaving mommy, and it sort of rubbed off on Connor. He was calm when I left and hopefully he'll have a good morning.
Jaimie :)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
More Connor and Noah

We're in a kangaroo!

You can see Catie in the background in the stroller

Perusing the Safari Walking Guide
Connor will not get within ten feet of his own stroller at the zoo but he thought Kelly's double jogging stroller was way cool and like a ride. Any time one side was unoccupied he climbed right in. Heh.
Jaimie :)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
So it has been a while....

Connor off to his first day of school.
Sorry I've gotten so behind on blogging, I shall try to do better!
Today was Connor's first day of preschool. He only goes one day a week for three hours. He transitioned really really well, til he saw mommy peeking in the classroom door at him.... oops. No one has called yet to tell me he's hysterical so I think he's having fun ;).
Two more hours til I go pick him up....
Jaimie :)