Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Chloe Alexandra is born!

Ready to leave the hospital (the pics posted backwards heh)

Look at all the hair ;)

Connor giving his sister kisses

Soon after birth, when we got to the postpartum room.
I will post more details later but Chloe is stirring and she'll need to nurse soon. Chloe was 7lbs 7oz and 20.5 in long. She was born at 8:18am on October 26th. Thank you for all the email well wishes in the week leading up to and after the birth, I will respond to them all soon I promise. Things have been a whirlwind here.
Love, Jaimie, Matthew, big brother Connor and little sister Chloe
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006

Connor and Taz hanging out in Connor's tent.
The blog address has changed! Update your bookmarks! :)
This week was the cats annual vet visit for a checkup and vaccinations. Boo is still fat. Taz is not. They weigh about the same though ;).
I learned something at the vet that made me happy. I have been putting off turning Connor's carseat to forward facing and agonizing over it. I wanted him to stay rear-facing as long as possible. The reality is though, his carseat will not fit rear-facing once his sister's infant seat is installed (which needs to happen... soon ;) ).
I learned at the vet (thanks to Connor's love of standing on the dog scale) that Connor now weighs about 32 lbs. That is fully clothed, but one is clothed in a car seat ;). Since his seat only accomodates rear-facing children to 33 lbs... ta da! I can now turn the seat with no guilt. He's outgrowing rear-facing all on his own. :)
Chloe's seat rear faces though of course ;). The infant seat fits just fine that way no matter where you put it.
So tomorrow Connor's seat will be turned to forward-facing. A whole new era!
(He is growing all over.... he is now in 3T pants and shirts and wears a size 9XW shoe and size 10 snow boot. Yikes!)
Jaimie :)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Blog Address is changing!!
In the next few days, we will be changing this blog address to thehts.blogspot.com to accomodate our growing family. All the content on the blog will come with the new address. Put the new address in your bookmarks and see you this weekend! :)
Jaimie :)
Jaimie :)