A 27 week weird pic

Why I decided to take a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror I shall never know :). I am almost 30 weeks now, this is from a few weeks ago.
As this baby gets ready (not for a little while yet but October creeps closer every second) to exit me and enter the world, I realize how much my first baby is growing up. He's not really a baby anymore. I mean, to me, his mom, Connor will always be my baby. But he's becoming such a little boy. He starts a one day a week "Parents Day Out" pre-pre-preschool type program in 2 weeks, and he just *loves* to wear his backpack around the apartment and is so excited about going to "school". I'm not sure he'll be as excited once he realizes mommy doesn't stay the entire 3 hours... heh.
I've started nesting. I keep organizing and reorganizing things. And all the little clothes Connor once fit into make me feel all teary. Heh.
Jaimie :)