Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Swings are fun!

I like this swinging thing. I should do it more often!
So, my parents were delayed by car trouble. Not their car, my brother's car. Hopefully it will get all sorted out today and they will be on their way tomorrow morning. Connor can't wait!
My mother says he is getting a slide for his birthday. She had a slide in her living room when we were growing up and apparently she wants to share the joy ;).
I wonder if a slide will fit in his playroom....
Jaimie :)
Monday, June 27, 2005
Best Buds

I feel very lucky that Connor and Matthew have such a great relationship. Matthew spends a lot of one on one time with Connor (through necessity, being that I leave every evening to go to taekwondo) and because of that, Connor seems just as close if not closer to Matthew as he is to me.
And they have a lot of fun being silly together. And have since Connor was very little.
Jaimie :)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
I never knew books were so tasty....

This is Connor's favorite book, Moo Baa La La La by Sandra Boynton. Not just because it is tasty. :) We can actually start reciting it (from memory of course) when he is upset and 99% of the time, it will help to calm him down.
The cow says Moo
The sheep says Baa
Three singing pigs say La La La!
"No No!" you say, "that isn't right.
The pigs say Oink all day and night."
Jaimie :)
Friday, June 24, 2005
I Can Get the Train
Hello :)
Squatting is a useful tool. I never realized how nice it is to be able to squat, until I watched Connor learn how. It is amazing watching a little blank slate pick up all sorts of information and skills...Who taught him how to pull my hair and headbutt me though, that I really want to know.
Jaimie :)
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I've Seen the Light

Connor tipping his table to move the reflection on the wall.
I love when I make food and it just tastes perfect. It is nice that now I have time (mostly) to actually taste my food and savor every bite. Working on Connor's scrapbook (we are up to... August 8th ;) ) reminds me of way back when he was very small, and I would shovel food down as fast as I could because he might wake up at any moment and need to eat.
Ah, the good old days.
I do miss the newness and the littleness sometimes, but I also enjoy every new day and new adventure that Connor's growing up brings.
One week til the big One.
Jaimie :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Where does the light come from?

I know it has got to be here somewhere.
Good afternoon :)
So yesterday Connor figured out that the light reflected onto the wall was coming from the mirror on his table. So first he spent a good deal of time tipping the top of the table and moving the light around the wall, and then he spent some more time as pictured, studying the top of the table trying to find the light.
Then the sun moved and his trick didn't work any more. ;) Maybe he'll remember it later today!
Jaimie :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I Wanna Be a Black Belt

Or at least, have mommy's.
Good morning,
Yesterday Connor wanted to keep my black belt with him at all times when I was not wearing it. He did a good job with his sitter while I was teaching class so that was good. He looks pretty silly sleeping with it. :) He took his entire nap just like that....
Jaimie :)

Monday, June 20, 2005
If I had a hammer

I bet it wouldn't make cool noises like this one!
We had a very nice and relaxing Father's Day. I even got some time to scrapbook more of Connor's early days, even though it wasn't Mother's Day. We heart naps.
Matthew got his favorite dinner, steak and potatoes, which he shared some of with Connor (the potatoes... not the steak. You think Matthew would share his steak? Hah!) ;).
Teaching the daytime taekwondo classes again today so off we go! Hopefully Connor will enjoy it more this week!
Jaimie :)

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I love my silly dad.
And go New England Patriots :).
Hello everyone!
Connor got Matthew matching New England Patriots Superbowl XXXIX Champions shirts (a romper in Connor's case) for Father's Day. They both enjoy them very much. :)
Hope all the fathers out there are having a great day!
And Happy Father's Day to *my* dad and my father-in-law too! Have a great day!
Jaimie :)

Saturday, June 18, 2005
In honor of Father's Day, some memories

Hello :)
This is a scrapbook page I made from Connor's first week. It looks better in person, I took a picture of the page :).
Tomorrow is Father's Day, and so I am showcasing my husband, Connor's father. Watching Matthew and Connor together is one of the greatest joys of my life. He is a caring, devoted, involved Daddy and Connor is a lucky lucky boy.
I love you Matthew. And so does Connor.
Jaimie :)

Friday, June 17, 2005
Connor and Taz looking out the window

This would be cute if it didn't inspire our first call to Poison Control.
So, I admired Connor last night looking out the window with Taz, thinking "Wow, he's really into looking out even though it is dark out, he is just so cute there."

Uh huh.
Really, he was chewing the paint off the windowsill.
For your information, paint is not toxic in small amounts if ingested. I knew you were all on the edge of your seats about that one. ;)
Jaimie :)
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away

I like these blocks, they are complex. I like the window even better.
So take a good look at this outfit. I heart this sleeper soooo much. And Connor is already outgrowing it. He was in 12 month clothes for 3 or so months, so I foolishly figured he would be in 18 month clothes at least as long. I was wrong.
He has only been in 18 month clothes for a few weeks. And already a good portion of the tops and one piece sleepers are a tight fit.
The stubby little legs though -- the pants all still fit :).
Must go garage sale-ing! At least I have a lot of 18-24 month rompers that fit him well. Hope the weather stays warm!
Jaimie :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
A Boy and His Pillow

I stole this from mommy. I like it!
Good afternoon,
So yes, Connor likes my pillow. In fact he carried it around the house for a while, and Matthew snapped some pics. Why? Who knows. :)
I accidentally saw a small segment of the children's show "Boobah" when reprogramming my VCR. It scares me. It is hypnotic. What is Boobah hypnotizing our children to do? Hmm.
Have a nice day, I must go play with my neglected cats while Connor snoozes. Or maybe call my mom. ;)
And Happy Birthday yesterday to my Grandpa, aka Grumpy. :)
Jaimie :)

Monday, June 13, 2005
Daddy tried to take a picture....

But Connor won.
Today has been insanely busy. I have taught a lot of extra taekwondo classes today and work is busy too. And then there is Connor... ;)
Who "helped" me teach one of the classes because he wouldn't be happy with his sitter and cried a lot.
Oh well. ;) Taekwondo with a baby is fun! ;)
Jaimie :)

Sunday, June 12, 2005

This elephant is very tasty. Grape.
Here is your daily dose of randomness:
I played a funny online quiz today. It takes seconds and will amuse you.
What rejected crayon color are you?
Find out at:
I was "Found in a Diaper Gold"
which I think I may have cleaned off Connor this morning ;).
Jaimie :)

Saturday, June 11, 2005
Friday, June 10, 2005
Hmm... what should I rearrange first? ;)

Hello :)
We just got back from going out for wings with the taekwondo friends, a Friday night tradition. Not that we have wings... but other people do! Some "big" milestones for us:
1. Today Connor drank breastmilk out of a straw cup for Matthew and was enthused. Yay! I think we are saying bye bye to bottles for good now, if it goes well next week while I am out at taekwondo.
2. We ordered Connor his very first restaurant meal of his own. Mac n cheese with buffalo chips (like french fries but cut chip shaped). He actually for him ate a good deal of it (about 10-12 pieces of mac n cheese and 3-4 buffalo chips). Mommy ate the rest :). Mmm mm. It was the only vegetarian thing on the kids menu but he has had cheese before so all's good. He really liked it! He also for some reason tonight really liked Crispix.... he would pick those out of his assorted cereal in front of him and eat them all first. Must put more Crispix in the diaper bag.
Jaimie :)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

That's enough! Get me the heck out of here!
Hello everyone :)
Not much going on. These are the pictures we had taken yesterday on the spur of the moment at Walmart. By the end he was less than enthused. the noise and lights scared him a bit I think.
Connor is napping and I must have lunch... have a nice afternoon!
Jaimie :)